i had a dream i was with emma i asked her if she draws she said a lot and she went to show me some i held her from the back as a hug that i knew she liked we were doing it but then we were running away from bad ghosts and she changed into a horse for me to ride we were zooming around the castles walls and all of a sudden i was with my parents (woke up from a dream and was still dreaming lol) i saw my family and i ate berries of fruit with them it was night time midnight but i was too rested for more sleep... but my mom had purple hair extensions and it looked great she had lipstick on too it reminded me of 'scene people hair' and i told her in a friendly way that shes so pretty and i started singing "I've been missing you all around i still haven't had my girl friends"and woke up to the voice singing in my head lolol