Friday, April 12, 2019
for a little accident i did (happened in real life) and it was cause she secretly wanted me with rihanna faster and then rihanna picked me up in a limo from the psych home and she thought i was attractive and she showed me her wig closet and her perfume store with make up and she did my hair nice and i felt really good
(the reason in real life my mom said she kicked me out was cause i went to party with strangers and i got caught smoking weed in her house and it was the accident that i heard my dads voice in my head say i could smoke pot in the house and i thought it was real but se still wanted me out and they won’t take me back or let me move next to them still cause of my moms depression so i feel good anyways cause i have hope)
in other words my mom just wanted me to get rich and my mom and dad were fighting like they were gonna get divorced idk if that part is real but i wish them the best
in the dream^
in the dream^
in the dream my mom didnt have to get a job (cause she has disability in real life) and that my dad wasn’t gonna kick her out cause he’s nice and that my mom was lucky about that (cause another reason they kicked me out was cause i didnt have a job but the reason they moved was cause my dad couldnt find a job it was very hard for me to find one)
in the dream the psych house was a board and care and wasnt emergency psych for a reason lol (i hated those places my parents took me there 5 different times cause of arguments or me trying to protect them from poison food which i was raw vegan at the time but no more since abraham hicks channeled about bad food is good if seen that way and another time was for i told kwin i was thinking about suicide and she told on me and yeah crazy life i hate emergency psych lock up places lol)
the e.t.s. on farm road is horrible lol very shitty in a bad way lol
i had another dream just woke up; libby the cleaning lady made me a surprise in a dish i think they were gonona be cookies cause she heard i was rich and she was tellling my mom she only makes a little bit of money since her husband dont work.. and my dad said in the dream me and my mom should move together but he was saying that wouldnt work now (when im poor in awake life) cause she has alot of kids and we wouldnt make enough from disability lol
when i get rich i wanna help my family find successful jobs like music, art, selling online, maybe helping rihanna’s stores idk but im all for passion and dream jobs
(i think the voices say my mom and dad are really twin flames though)
i think they need a more positive religion lol