Archive for August 2019 |
i had a dream i went to ETS the emergency mental health hospital
I HATE That place in real life
I was like talk to my parents what the heck did i do i behave great
and i didnt get an answer and i freaked out cause i hate that place but not on the outside freak out on the inside lol and there were these EMTs taking people out to be free i was one of the people who broke out that way we were going to see a show with a stage of magic lol
then the voices i heard in the dream said to smile cause its funny cause they broke me out and
i was happy then later my mom picked me up the cars were a long line but i found theirs and it was like a school parking lot of cars waiting to pick up their kids lol
Escaping the mental hospital |
i had a dream there was lions from the lion king baby ones
and i was first person view so idk who i was but i was male
we went through secret tunnels of a shrine or a temple in the jungle
We spy on the gorillas they were Illuminati but i got them to change heart at the end
They said they will be of no threat (this all happened in the past)
so the future me woke up and i knew i would be safe cause the illuminati doesnt exist anymore how funny that dream huh lol
Apes were the Illuminati |
i was in jail and an ape from the higher floor bursts through the ceiling it wanted out too
it attacked the guards and i asked to team up with the apes to further break out and we did lol
Ape jail break out
kurt says circuitboard in rape me accoustic or do re mii forget (all the songs below go together)
Nirvana - Rape Me (Solo Acoustic + lyrics)
oh smorgasbored i see
Machine Gun Kelly - Glass House (Lyrics) feat. Naomi Wild
(i had a dream she was pocahantus just cause the previous song said river bend)
Just Around The Riverbend - Pocahontas (lyrics) that was something sigh (how i saw the fork in the river part = me being mormon vs following rihanna like my dreams said to do…)