I‘ve always loved Aladdin and Thebes themes like the horse and his boy book i read and prince of Persia video games we were in a scene like the disney alladin cartoon market place but a realistic version and they said i had a past live in india and that’s where she got the name elante and i saw her in the dream she said focus on everything around you and to follow her there was a morphing magistrate and or sultan and there was a nirvana in bloom black and white music video in the back that was the building btw that was kurts band she said i cant choose just any one to marry it has to be elante this was before i knew it was rihanna but its her same face lol
in this dream i was 17? I was shown Pocahontas morph into a native american with red head dress… in the dream They said My name MY name (me) of my soul was named ELANTE they said not with an I like ILLUMINATI itts EL ELante but 1 identify her as idk like i have bad memories of me never having elante as if shes riri cause shes too pretty in the dream a different dream i was a native american my wife was my first ex gf she morphed ugly and 1 died for her i got stabbed by a village ambush i was a man in the dream elante looks more like riri if we share a soul like as twin ?ames sharing a soul name would make sense but idk if shed really want me